Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Insanity Day 2

I know, I know, day 2, Nic? It's been over 2 weeks! Really!?

But I injured my neck last time and even I know when to stop and not continue.  My neck still isn't 100% but it's in a place that I'm not concerned about injuring myself permanently.  We had a catered lunch at work today and I fell victim to just going with the flow and not checking my calories BEFORE I ate. Instead, I ate around a 900 calorie lunch. Gulp. Oops.

I left work around 2 today and headed home. I knew I couldn't get the kids since naptime is usually 1-3 at daycare, so instead I posted how disappointed I am in myself on a fitness group I participate in.  I said I am a "fatty mcfatterson with nothing to contribute." And in good fitness friend fashion, at least two awesome people called me out, told me to get off my butt and get moving. I said "I'll try it" and they said "NO trying- Just DO it."

From Pinterest, of course.
So I did. I did Insanity Day 2: Plyometric Cardio Circuit.


I felt like I was someone who was in decent shape. Not today, sir! Today I felt like a 600 lb woman working out for the first time in my LIFE!  It was hard, it was draining, I won't lie, I thought I was going to vomit several times.

And in the end - I feel great. I mean, I am going to HUUURRRRTTT tomorrow, but it's going to be that good hurt, that "I did something GOOD" feeling.

I am over the moon with a new food.  We just recently switched from Sam's Club to Costco. I went to Costco for work one day and was really in love with the fact that they have so many more organic/healthy options to choose from! Most importantly  at least to my kid, they have Annie's Mac'n'Cheese. I refuse to buy "the blue box" anymore and my daughter really looves her some mac'n'cheese (although my son would rather have broccoli, go figure :-)

The one thing they DO NOT have is a bag of chopped romaine. For the first few months of our "clean" transition, we were going through at LEAST a bag of it a week, sometimes every few days. At first I was hopeful, maybe another location would have it. But no such luck. On one particular day, I sent my husband with the challenge to find me some romaine.  He called and said "Well, I bought some kale salad..."  What?! Kale?! Uhhhh nope, no thanks.

Then when he came home, I read the bag. Even worse:
Can you read that? Here, let me help: Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, chicory, dried cranberries, roasted pumpkin seeds, poppyseed dressing.

Raw Brussels sprouts? You want me to EAT those?

So we had it for dinner htat night. I had two servings. I wanted to eat more, but it was just wrong. The next day for lunch, I added 2.5 oz of cooked chicken and it was heaven. I have been talking NONSTOP about this salad. I even asked my husband to pick up FIVE bags last time he went to Costco. One bag made three generous (3+ cup) lunch portions plus a smaller (1.5 cup) serving. I have a bottle of fat free poppyseed dressing that I plan on using on my next salad, too, to cut down on the fat/calories.

It's delicious. If you try ONE new thing this year, it should be this. It has an almost cole slaw or broccoli slaw texture (obv, since there are both broccoli and cabbage in it) but it definitely works as a 'side salad' to a heftier dinner.

So, my goal is to actually get my butt in gear. I feel gross, I look gross, none of my clothes fit right. It's TIME!

I am hosting a bridal shower on Sunday. I know for a fact I will not be "clean" that day, I plan on trying one of everything. But other than that, I am making a sincere effort to get back to clean, whole food eating. I feel better when I'm doing that for sure.  If you see me with food I shouldn't be eating (aside from the shower, please) YELL at me! :-) Ask me if I'm SURE I want to eat that. Chances are I will agree, it's not something I want to be doing!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Insanity Day 1

Well I did the Insanity Fit Test this am. I told the kids I was going to exercise and they could sit in their rooms or the living room and play.  My little girl decided she wanted to work out with me :-)  So here is a picture of me with my Mini-Me just before we started. 
My mini-me, however, only made it through the warm up before she was out of breath and said "Mommy, I think I'm done." I should have stopped with her!

I was doing pretty well, but I do see a few challenges. First, I was doing this while my husband was working from home in the basement. So I was being a little extra cautious of how hard I was landing. This caused me to lose some of my form at time. Which leads to - problem two - I actually PULLED A MUSCLE IN MY NECK while doing the power jumps. 

Only me. 

But I powered through it. I kept going in the fit test. I am sure I didn't do my best, my neck was killing me. however that just gave me hope that my 15 day test results will be awesome :-)  

Here are my results: 

Switch Kicks           45
Power Jacks         46
Power Knees         93
Power Jumps           30
Globe Jumps          8
Suicide Jumps         16
Push up Jacks         20
Low Plank Oblique 35

Nothing Earth shattering but I am happy to have done it. Now who knows if I'll be able to MOVE in the morning, but I am aiming to get up early and do the first real workout before I go to work tomorrow! 

I took "before" pictures, but there's no way I'm sharing those until I have a good "after" result :-) 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Action Plan.

Sooooooo I've been MIA. I don't deny any of it. I just haven't nailed down how to balance everything.  I had a minor back injury a few weeks ago (from circuit, spinning or kickboxing, with cramming it all into two days a week, I just can't tell what causes pain anymore!) so I haven't been to the gym in two weeks. I can feel it. I can tell I haven't been working out and I can feel all the work I've done to get here over the last 2 years slowly slipping away. 

But it ends this week. 

I am starting the Insanity workouts. I plan to do the fit test tomorrow at some point, then start the Insanity calendar. I feel like yukky slob and while I am not gaining weight, I am DEFINITELY losing muscle. I will not be shocked if my body fat percentage sky rockets this month!

I loved kickboxing, truly, but it just doesn't fit well into my schedule. I am missing out on awesome time with my family taking up 2 evenings a week to go. I will be trying to fit in Insanity in the mornings before work and hopefully in the evenings when necessary.

I am heading out of town next weekend to meet my best friend's baby (YAY!) and while I'm away I am going to get the opportunity to work out with Callista. I am super psyched to get some tips from her on how to get back into the swing of working out. Mom of three, lawyer and training for a figure competition. 

I'm in such a rut. And I'm just digging myself in deeper.

 Not working out ð eat poorly ð feel like crap ð avoid working out even more ð etc

I am fed up. I am sick of feeling gross. This week, it's ending. I will sacrifice sleep or whatever I need to get this done. I haven't had my body fat percent checked, obviously, but I'm sure it's higher than it has been. I haven't necessarily gained weight but I can tell my clothes are fitting differently. And that is just NOT acceptable to me. Food is going to get cleaned up. I am hoping to regain my focus and get my family back to a healthy clean eating place! 

My action plan: 
  • Water - 100 oz / day
  • Workouts - Insanity (plus anytime I can get to the gym, a good workout). 
  • "Long" run weekly. Hoping for the afternoons I am off work with the baby in the jogging stroller.
  • Meal planning - I need to get back to having a plan and not falling back on mac'n'cheese and hot dogs for dinner for my family!! Lots of veggies, lots of healthy foods and cutting out all the sugar again.

Here's to new re-beginnings-again. I fell off the wagon, but I'm going to chase it back down and jump right back on it. We all take time away from our "plans" now and again, but the important part is getting back to the plan.