Monday, June 24, 2013

Push Through or Find Something New?

Well there's a lot of orange on my chart this week. As in failure.  But there's enough green that I'm going to keep trying. 

I woke up Tuesday and did Insanity. Then my hubby and I went on a date (yay!) but were out until 12:30. So when 4:30 rolled around Wednesday morning, my alarm went off and I actually DID wake up, I thought to myself "This is insane. I have to work all day and will be toooo crabby without sleep!" and went back to bed. 

So then Thursday I took the kids to the children's museum for the day and was completely exhausted by the end! I can't believe how wiped out I get at things like that! 

Friday I woke up again at 4:30. I had to work Friday and we were leaving to go camping for the weekend right after work. So when I woke up I had the conscious thought "I will be a COMPLETE crab tonight at camping if I don't sleep in."   I know, I know, I suck.  So I went back to sleep.

Saturday we were camping and went on a nice hike. As you can see, I walked over 20,000 steps that day! I ate like crap because I was camping, duh. :-) 

Sunday we packed up camp and headed home. We had some nasty storms here so we took the kiddos to see Monsters University (CUTE CUTE movie!). 

Today we took the kids to the zoo. We got there around 10 and left at 5! SUPER long day but a wonderful awesome family day. I am thankful to be able to have days like this with my family. 

So obviously from this week, we have learned that I am still not able to "eat clean" when I'm out and about. It's a hard choice for me to make still! Which is funny, since we've been doing it for almost 6 months. But it's a work in progress! 

I am planning to get up tomorrow morning to work out. I have the same issue tomorrow that I had last Tuesday - I have tickets to see a show (Shrek with my daughter) and will be out until easily 11pm. But I'm going to go with it, eat smart tomorrow and drink lots of coffee to get me through it all!

Again, going to refocus this week. 

Aiming for 6 days working out, 2-3 days allowed drinking, good eating all of them and steps over 10,000. 

The thing that kills me, and maybe the point of this whole post, is that I woke up on my scheduled days last week, looked at my phone, went to the bathroom - and went back to bed. I want to get to a place where I am EXCITED to work out. Maybe I need to find a new workout?  

Maybe Insanity isn't for everyone. 

I am just having such a hard time getting excited about it! I get excited about kickboxing, I love my classes at the Y.... I just haven't gotten fully on board with Insanity yet.  Here's hoping I can start sticking to it. 

I refuse to weigh in again officially until next week. With all the salt, sugar and junk I consumed, it will just depress me further.   How often do you weigh yourself? I get stuck in a vicious cycle of weighing myself everyday, noting even the smallest fluctuation.... it's borderline obsessive, which I KNOW isn't good. Jen has reminded me for years not to weigh in that often, but I just can't stop doing it! 

I remember loving weigh ins. I would weigh in every day just to see the number change (go down!) when I was working out regularly. And sometimes it was ok with me if the scale went up just a bit, because I was lifting and had a pretty fabulous routine that I knew would "bulk" me up some. I miss that. I'm terrified to have my body fat percentage taken again because it cannot have done anything but skyrocket!

So I will probably weigh myself every day this week, but I won't do an "official" weight check until next Monday.  Hopefully we'll see a change. 

Have you ever tried a workout that just doesn't "work" for you?  How did you handle it - push through or find something new? 

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